

  • Python ≥ 3.6
  • Django ≥ 2.2
  • PostgreSQL ≥ 9.4


  1. Install django-crosswalk.
$ pip install django-crosswalk
  1. Add the app and DRF to INSTALLED_APPS in your project settings.
# settings.py

  # ...
  1. Include the app in your project’s URLconf.
# urls.py
urlpatterns = [
    # ...
    path('crosswalk', include('crosswalk.urls')),
  1. Migrate databases.
$ python manage.py migrate crosswalk
  1. Open Django’s admin and create your first API users on the crosswalk ApiUser model.
  1. Install the client.
$ pip install django-crosswalk-client
  1. Read through the rest of these docs to see how to interact with your database using the client.